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Lunes, Oktubre 29, 2012

"The WILD One"

Photographs Louie Ray Faundo
Model Carren Baloloy

We normally link "WILD" as to a negative trait of someone - but what we do not see is that being WILD can make us do things that go beyond the usual - makes us create something thats different and brilliant -- 
For this issue for the months of September and October we bring you STALK Magazine's first covergirl Carren Baloloy -- showing us that "WILD" is something good -- 
and for STALK this is the day when our official Facebook page is founded -- let us all enjoy LIFE by being WILD in a GOOD way -- 

Dont forget to check STALK's Facebook page:

Enjoy the shots STALKERS!

Linggo, Oktubre 28, 2012

STALKER LOCAL FILM FEATURE: “Tiktik; The Aswang Chronicles”

                 The first time I saw the trailer of the movie “Tiktik; The Aswang Chronicles” I told myself that “this is it”. It was something that I immediately looked forward to. I just believe in the Filipino talent so much that I knew this day would come.
We have produced such great horror flicks in the past such as “Feng Shui”, “Sukob”, “The Healing”, “Sigaw” (which had its Hollywood version) and the recent “The Road” which was acclaimed as the first Pinoy film to be shown in Hollywood in just plain “subtitle”. 
Before watching the film I already heard how good the movie was, I just needed to see it for myself so that I could attest to it. Now let me start this blog by saying that the whole movie that was shot in pure “chroma” and was done with great visual effects. The whole movie was just visually entertaining! The set and effects on the settings was superb without losing the Pinoy ambiance.
Now about the actors – When I first heard that it was Joey Marquez my expectations with the acting went down – but I was wrong. The whole cast was superb! – from Ding Dong Dantes to Lovi Poe – to the supporting cast Joey Marquez and Janice De Belen – and Roy Vinzon was just epic! (he really looked great in this movie despite the age) – the humor and the thrill was just gripping that it will keep you locked upon the whole film. I would have to give credit to the writer and the producer of the said film because of the fact that the story did not suffer against the visual effects. One more thing that I liked upon the said film was the fact that it was gore without going overboard.
Along the movie you guys would definitely see a lot of endorsements – but how they used Boy Bawang was just brilliant! (this I guess is just important since the film makers rally needed a whole lot of budget to make this happen). The post production was done for a whole year not to mention the whole shooting time.
                The whole movie overall was great I would definitely give it a 9 ½ (since it could still improve in some very small aspects..) – I am sure that it will entertain you in all aspects!

and guess what it comes with an illustrated novel..

Have fun reading STALKERS!

STALKER NEWS: Sara Meier Hosts Top Model Philippines..

Recently Filipino Men and Women have been conquering the global fashion industry such the likes of Danica Magpantay (Ford Supermodel of the world), Charlene Almarvarez, Charo Ronquillo, Paolo Roldan.. 

Danica Magpantay winner of FORD SUPER MODEL OF THE WORLD

Paolo Roldan fourth from Left for Givenchy

Paolo Roldan Milan Fashion Week for Vivienne Westwood
Charo Ronquillo for Juicy Couture NYFW

Charo Ronquillo US Glamour Magazine June 2012 Beauty Opener

and Now Model / Host Sarah Meier will be hosting the biggest franchise yet of ETC -- Top Model Philippines! - as announced by America's Next Top Model producer Michael Carandang -- I just cant wait til the show starts! Coming this 2013 --

few of the magazine covers that Sarah Meier landed..

and this is the released teaser from ETC..

Have fun reading STALKERS!

Sabado, Oktubre 27, 2012

EDITOR’S NOTE: “The WILD One” (Sept-Oct 2012 issue)

This all started with a wild one – a dream to have my own blog and magazine.

To be able to share my art and my thoughts through visual art –

And it all happened last April of this year with a shoot –

A shoot that started everything –

A shoot that made me start blogging for my online magazine–

So for this month of September and October STALK brings back “Carren Baloloy” on the cover –

Braver, Bolder and Fierce!

Let’s all live life by being braver – facing one’s problems and making sure that we learn from them..

Bolder by making sure that we accept who we truly are and make sure that we improve..

And lastly be FIERCE by making sure that that we out stand in everything that we do and create 
an exclamation in the lives of others –

We have two covers versions for the months of SEPT – OCT 2012..

Model: Carren Baloloy
Photograph / Layout: Louie Ray Faundo

and here's a behind the scene shot..

Enjoy Reading STALKERS!

Lunes, Oktubre 22, 2012


Mesa in Filipino means "TABLE" --and what should we see on a table? of course it should be FOOD -- not just ordinary food but GREAT PINOY FOOD -- and it can be found in "MESA" -- great affordable food for everyone who loves to dine out..
                    You guys should try their epic "Laing 2 ways" -- for those who don't know what laing is -- it is a famous dish from Bicol made out of TARO leaves or "dahon ng gabi" cooked in coconut milk and chili. Both versions were awesome -- It was one of the best ones that I've tasted -- 
One version was cooked in plain oil (I guess?) and the other one in the classic "GATA" or "Coconut Milk" -- It was only for P160.00 -- what a great deal right? 
you guys could also try their "Pochero" (P365.00) -- then Boneless Tilapia served in four crazy sauces made composed of vinegar, shrimp paste and sweet chili sauce (P320.00)-- there's  also this Boneless Crispy Pata -- the good thing about this is that it is served with the bones cooked on the side (P480.00) -- 
 Our overall bill was just P1948.18 and there's like five of us -- (not bad right?) 

Anyway we guys only deserve the best food! 

The Laing and the Boneless Crispy Pata was not in the photo because we we're all just hungry.. lol

Have fun eating STALKERS!

ME and My beloved FRIENDS

Boneless Tilapia in 4 sauces

Boneless Tilapia in 4 sauces



Photographs Louie Ray Faundo

PHOTO DIARY: Churches, Cupcakes and Portraits..

Well since I've mentioned that I've been to a christening yesterday here are some photographs that I took on that day..

Our Lady Of The Most Holy Rosary Church

The Catechist


Hello Kitty Cupcakes

This is the top design of the main cake - So cute!

My Godchild;; Daenery Rianne Alcazar

Some Portraits that I took of my Friends..
Jolly Bilangdal I
Carla Borero
 That's it for now..

have fun browsing through the shots STALKERS!