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Huwebes, Oktubre 25, 2018

Volume V Issue V: Michael Angeles

Editor's Note:

5th Volume & 5th Issue For The Year!

I've founded STALK way back 2012 when i felt that my dreams are too far fetched and I was in an industry that they call a "DREAM BREAKER" (oh wow that's a little controversial)..

Started shooting beauty /fashion with friends as models - then as we progressed, i started messaging potential models thru facebook and instagram. I just had that small faith in me that my works will speak for myself. Then there was this boy named Michael - an 18 year old boy who has that face of an angel and a body of a warrior (mike im really building you up now haha) . Sent him a message and when he said yes, the rest was history.

Fast forward to today - we've pretty much shot for our fourth cover already and da**! He is just getting better and better as we progress.

So anyway, here I present you our cover for our 5th issue this year with Michael Angeles (no make up) just his bare soul for this.

Now before i end this - I'd realized that an industry can never kill a dream. It is us who is responsible for making that dream happen. I remember a favorite quote of mine that says

"Your DREAM is God's gift to you..

and what you do with it is you GIFT back to HIM"

P.S i would like to personally thank tita Trina for making me feel at home during the shoot and for making all these shoot possible.

Editor In Chief
Louie Faundo

#ToGodBeTheGlory #LifeOfAFashionPhotographer

Lunes, Oktubre 1, 2018

Volume V Issue IV: Janny Medina

Editor's Note: 

"It's The Choices That We Make That Defines Who We Are" 

Today I am writing this while we are on our way to a good friend who just passed away... 

She is Karla Pamplona -- or we call her BK 

No one is ever prepared to lose someone.. I don't know how it feels to lose someone who means the world to me (by death i mean)
I think it would be unbearable.. Or i can't even describe it.. But if there's one thing that I've learned about this passing -- it is that LIFE IS SHORT..
and do things that make you feel alive..
Fall down a hundred times..
Then stand up 200 times..
Fall in love..
Keep chasing your dreams..
Run for it.. Keep learning..
Then mentor someone.. 

For you may never have the chance to make things worth while again.. Enjoy life and enjoy the thrill it brings.. At the end of the day..
The only thing that would matter -- 

Are the lives that we've touched and the relationships that we've built.

To God Be The Glory. 
Louie Ray Faundo
Photographed by Louie Faundo
Stylist Nio Manzano
Hair & Make Up Alex Escobal
Model Janny Medina
#fashioneditorial #jannyforstalk #stillthebestyearever