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Linggo, Hulyo 8, 2012

Bangkok Experience Day 02

Our Day two in Bangkok was actually intense. We woke up early for a quick breakfast over seven eleven and some street food. I actually forgot what this food was called but it was good – a bit crispy and sweet – it was cheap for 7baht only –a must try I say!

here's how the food was prepared

its me trying that street food

Then we went back to our hotel for our city tour. We did actually visited two temples in the city. Seeing their temples was a feast. It’s almost like their culture is sinking slowly into your skin. Just like us Filipinos, Thai’s also has a lot of beliefs and traditions. IF in the Philippines we have a lot of statues of saints where we pray, in Thailand they pray with their Buddha’s, which is pretty much very similar with our faith. I just really like the fact that they were able to preserve and maintain these temples. And as an effect it is now a tourist attraction. 

one of the temples that we've visited

A bigger temple that we've visited in Bangkok

all photos are photographed by yours truly.. me (except for the ones that I am in) lol
Then we saw this monk – where most of the people on the temple were actually offering him gifts – I was just not very sure about their customs because my eyes was very much overwhelmed by everything that I’m seeing. 

One of the monks in Bangkok's temple

Here are some of our shots on the temples.

After visiting two of the best temples in Bangkok, now we went to Gem’s Gallery operated by the government of Thailand. The good thing about this experience is that I’ve learned how supportive the government was in terms of making use of their country’s natural resources which gives jobs to people. According to the presentation that we’ve watched Thailand is number one interms of producing quality Gems such as Ruby’s etc, which was really fascinating. And the qualities of their jewelries are outstanding. Yet it’s very affordable. Then here’s a sample of how good their craftsmen are. These are wood carvings which was really fascinating. 

wood carvings from Gem's Gallery

portrait of the king

Thailand’s form of government is still Monarchy. Which makes me remember the classic movie “Anna & the King” – I saw this painting in Gem’s Gallery which really caught my attention. It was a portrait of their king. Actually if you go around Thailand you’ll see a lot of this guy’s image. It only shows how much they honor and love their king. Then after the whole tour we went to the famous "Platinum mall" in main wing Bangkok to shop and to eat late lunch. 

Platinum Fashion Mall is a Clothing heaven 

                                                                                 The original YAKISOBA

                                                    What does Thailand and Philippines have in common? Ehem..
Tuk Tuk is one of the fastest way to go around Bangkok. We tried it a couple of times though. I just didn’t like how they ask for a bigger amount if it’s a tourist. In the Philippines we call this “TRICYCLE” – Tricycle’s are cheaper and safer (no bias.. cross fingers)
Going back to the hotel riding the "TUKTUK"

Enjoying the ride

Here’s some of the shots I took on the night food market outside Platinum Mall.. FEAST! 

Its me trying some street food on the night market


Finally a Thailand experience would not be complete without eating these delicacies..  

Deep Fried Grasshoppers

A closer look at em

I'm not sure what these are..

We call these in the Philippines "Patango"

Lastly -- the one that I will never try SCORPIONS

Believe it or not I tried eating the grasshoppers and some of the other insects. It was surprisingly better than what we could have imagined. Its dry and a little crispy inside and out. Thats it for now I hope you guys enjoyed browsing! 

Have a great night STALKERS! :)

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