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Huwebes, Oktubre 25, 2018

Volume V Issue V: Michael Angeles

Editor's Note:

5th Volume & 5th Issue For The Year!

I've founded STALK way back 2012 when i felt that my dreams are too far fetched and I was in an industry that they call a "DREAM BREAKER" (oh wow that's a little controversial)..

Started shooting beauty /fashion with friends as models - then as we progressed, i started messaging potential models thru facebook and instagram. I just had that small faith in me that my works will speak for myself. Then there was this boy named Michael - an 18 year old boy who has that face of an angel and a body of a warrior (mike im really building you up now haha) . Sent him a message and when he said yes, the rest was history.

Fast forward to today - we've pretty much shot for our fourth cover already and da**! He is just getting better and better as we progress.

So anyway, here I present you our cover for our 5th issue this year with Michael Angeles (no make up) just his bare soul for this.

Now before i end this - I'd realized that an industry can never kill a dream. It is us who is responsible for making that dream happen. I remember a favorite quote of mine that says

"Your DREAM is God's gift to you..

and what you do with it is you GIFT back to HIM"

P.S i would like to personally thank tita Trina for making me feel at home during the shoot and for making all these shoot possible.

Editor In Chief
Louie Faundo

#ToGodBeTheGlory #LifeOfAFashionPhotographer

Lunes, Oktubre 1, 2018

Volume V Issue IV: Janny Medina

Editor's Note: 

"It's The Choices That We Make That Defines Who We Are" 

Today I am writing this while we are on our way to a good friend who just passed away... 

She is Karla Pamplona -- or we call her BK 

No one is ever prepared to lose someone.. I don't know how it feels to lose someone who means the world to me (by death i mean)
I think it would be unbearable.. Or i can't even describe it.. But if there's one thing that I've learned about this passing -- it is that LIFE IS SHORT..
and do things that make you feel alive..
Fall down a hundred times..
Then stand up 200 times..
Fall in love..
Keep chasing your dreams..
Run for it.. Keep learning..
Then mentor someone.. 

For you may never have the chance to make things worth while again.. Enjoy life and enjoy the thrill it brings.. At the end of the day..
The only thing that would matter -- 

Are the lives that we've touched and the relationships that we've built.

To God Be The Glory. 
Louie Ray Faundo
Photographed by Louie Faundo
Stylist Nio Manzano
Hair & Make Up Alex Escobal
Model Janny Medina
#fashioneditorial #jannyforstalk #stillthebestyearever

Miyerkules, Setyembre 5, 2018

Christian × Stalk

So we've interviewed our coverboy about LIFE.. PAGEANTS and things that you probably want to ask him..

S: Describe Yourself..
C: Madaldal, kahit di ko kakilala kayang kong daldalin 😅

S: When Was Your First Pageant?
C: way back Febuary of 2017 that was Mr. PATTS 2017 , That was my first ever pageant

S: What Encouraged You To Join Pageants?
C: Friends???? HAHAHAHA actually katuwaan lang talaga namin yung MR. PATTS  na yun, my friends forced me to attend the screening (they like to see kung papasa ba sa MR. PATTS etong pagmu-mukha ko HAHAHA) then rampa rampa , smile , pose then apparently i made it to the top 14 then a series of interviews has been done then i made it to the top 10 up until to the top 7 finalist

So I never expected that i would made it that far . . . 😁

S: What's The Most Important Thing That You Need To Have When You Are Joining A Pageant?
C: You see pageant is not just all about the looks nor how nice your body is, it's a combination of everything. Projection , smile , ramp , how well you project that suit that you wear and most especially how well you answer a question..

Looks, alone in the pageant is like a gun without a bullet, it's useless so yeah perhaps the most important thing that you need to have in pageant is your BRAIN

S: Are You Planning To Join Any Pageants Soon?
C: If it isn't conflict with my current schedule . . . SURE WHY NOT 

S: What's The Sexiest Part Of Your Body?
C: my mind . . . Yeah it's sexy . . . . Specially with my imagination . . . .  Sometimes it's kinda dirty HAHAHAHA

S: When Do You Feel Most Sexy?
C: All the time, you see, sexiness is just a state of mind even if you have a waist line of 45" you can always feel sexy if you'd like to

S: How Did You Achieve Such Physique?
C: I've been into fitness for 3 years now, and the way how i achieve my physique is a combination of consistency , discipline , dedication , perseverance and sacrifice

I stick with my diet every single day , eat my required daily macros , protein - carbs fats those are 3 essential nutrients in building muscle  and have enough sleep

I always believe in 50-30-20 in having a perfect lean physique

Its 50% diet 30% sleep and 20% workout , it doesn't matter even if you workout 2x or 3x  a week as long as you have a good diet and a good quality of sleep . . You are on a right track brother

S: Are You Single?
C: Taken

S: Reaction When You See Your Cover On Stalk?

"IS THIS ME??!!"

that's the first words that came out of my mouth when i saw the cover, i'm not very used to see myself in a daring pose

i use to post shirtless photos on my facebook and instagram but not as daring as this one

So the STALK photoshoot was a whole new level for me

S: How was the shoot like?
C: It was great , i've been into several photoshoots before but a pageant type photoshoot

This is my first time to have a one on one photoshoot with the photographer

Louie was great , he gives me techniques and tips on what pose and angle I should do to make the photos look a lot better for me

S: Last song that you've listened to?
C: say you wont let go by james arthur

S: How do you handle indecent proposals?
C: i'm not a snob person so if someone offers me a indecent proposals , ill just tell him right away that "i'm not that kind of person and im sorry but its a no"

S: Boxers Or Briefs?
C: Brief

S: How do you want to be remembered?
C: Funny and chill kausap may sense man o wala

S: Longest relationship?
C: 4 months 8 days and still counting with my first current girlfriend

S: How do you handle pressure?
C: i deal with pressure by doing my best in everything all the time

S: Most Important Lesson In Life?
C: enjoy every moment.. even the smallest things in life , kasi walang rewind sa buhay.

Photographed by Louie Faundo
Hair &Make Up Kelly Cabucos
Model Christian Guioguio

Lunes, Setyembre 3, 2018

Happy Andrada Bridal Robes Collection

And it's finally out! Check out these stunning bridal robes by global designer Happy Andrada 🙌

ph Louie Faundo
stylist Twinkle Amora
models Sigrid Grace Flores | Graciela Del Fierra | Alexandra Camus | Jane Nicole Michalski

loc Sofitel Hotel Manila
#bestestyearever #fashionphotography

Editor's Note: Volume V Issue III

Editor's Note:

"PERFECTION is a DISEASE of a NATION - and social media makes it worst."

Have you ever ENVIED people on instagram ✔who are on a vacation everyday?
✔who have perfect faces and curves?
✔who can splurge and shop things that you can't afford?

well i did.

A few months ago - i found myself on a dark rut.
Here's a checklist:
✔failed relationship (uhm yeah 😂)
✔lost photography projects (dream ⤵️)
✔bad finances 📈
✔unhealthy lifestyle 🐷
✔family problems (who doesn't? But urgh 😅)

Felt like GOD was giving me an exam - he was silent. My INSECURITIES started to swim above sea level - they ate me like a buffet. Sadly i dont have anyone to turn to - and the only way to get out of it.. is to FACE IT.

So after days of overthinking and reflecting -- i finally said ENOUGH - all i needed now is my INNER BEST SELF to parent me.

"No One Else Is YOU.. And That Is Your Power."

So here's a list of what i did to get out of tjat dark rut...

step 1 -if you get lonely.. WORKOUT! so the more lonely you are - the fitter you are 😳😂👍

step 2 -i became a minimalist (on my own terms haha 😅)
✔i got rid of everything that no longer made me happy. Cleaned my closet and  gave away clothes and items that clutter my house (even the good ones that didnt make me happy).
✔I started eating simple/healthy food.

step 3 -i had to recharge daily
✔church - for my soul every sunday /pray daily
✔youtube for my art /lifestyle
✔find a mentor - i have Oprah, Bo Sanchez, Steve Jobs, Matt D'Avela, Mel Robbins and a lot more

step 4 -fix my finances
✔step 3 helped a lot - i no longer buy crap
✔i gave up on weekly movies too (but friends keep paying for my movies 😊🙏)
✔nearly 3years without smoking helped a lot
✔i said no to travel that i cannot afford - had to fund my dreams first.

step 5 -social media diet.
✔this is the hardest. I even thought i was depressed because i felt like no one remembers me.
✔we have gotten used to checking our feeds every 5minutes and if there's none we will post something.. or comment on something.. or watch something.. or message someone.. because we like the feeling of being present in a world that is inside the world wide web.
✔but im telling you that it will become better as weeks passes

last step..🚶‍♂️

step 6 -do everthing again and again and again. Be consistent - and keep grinding.
✔what kept me going was the fact that im 31 and i wont be this young forever.
✔my decisions now will drastically improve the next 2 years of my life
✔keep the faith. Everything will be ok soon.
✔lastly - my family deserves better. I have dreams for them that I think I can give.

and looking back to that day - where everything was a failure.. things got better now. I started to see things in a better perspective. Im still insecure every now and then but i know that i am in a better place. Had photography projects that came in and had great results. No more utang! 😊 and i can finally share and give back all the blessings that GOD is giving me.

So if you are reading this and you feel like you are in a dark rut... YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Find your "WHY" and get rid of all those excuses. The thing about excuses is that they are all valid -- but it will never ever help.

Life is never perfect and that is why it is beautiful.. and lastly because you are a child of GOD - he will never forsake you.

Keep Grinding! 👊

EIC of Stalk
Louie Faundo

photographed by Louie Faundo
hair & make up by Kelly Cabucos
models Christian Guioguio | Melchor Vargas

Sabado, Hulyo 7, 2018

Pride Issue: Harold Uttam

Hey Guys! 

So We've asked Harold a few questions that you might be interested in 😁

Interview Questions:
-How was your experience shooting for STALK?

-it was great! I enjoyed the shoot Louie was awesome, gave me tips on how to strike a pose that would look sexy! 🔥Looking forward to shooting again!

-Was this your first time?
-first time with STALK? Yes.

-What Does Your Last Name (Uttam) Mean?

-It's an Indian surname, supposed to be Uttamchandani. Due to some issues with my birth certificate it was written down as Uttam (dad's business surname)

-do you have foreign blood?
-Yes, I call it mongrel! lol kidding aside, dad = half Indian + half Canadian, mom = Pinay.

-complete the sentence Harold is an ambivert.

-complete the sentence Harold will be: hhmm nothing comes to mind.

-fave quote?
even heroes have a dark side

-last day on earth.. where would you be?
in my bed.

-last song on you playlist?
I've got a lot of playlist but the last song on my Favorite one is: Seek and Destroy by Metallica

-describe your first time in one word: Awesome!

-dry or wet: wet n wild!

-Favorite Clothing When Sleeping? tanktop and boxers

-boxers or briefs?

-Sexiest Part Of Your Body?
uhm scar under left eye (that's just me)

-What Part Of The Woman's Body Attracts You Most? aside from a gorgeous face has to be butt.

-Sexiest Place For Sex?

-When do you feel sexy?
during my time at the gym

-what makes a guy sexy?
Sense of humor and defined mid section(abs and vline and butt)

-what makes a girl sexy?

-what's your message to those individuals who wants to do lose weight?
just be patient, it'll take time, it'll require sacrifice but it'll be worth it! no matter how slow, keep going and results are sure to follow.

-any diet tips?
lessen your sugar intake, eat only what your body needs, eat clean. give yourself a cheat day! :)


Huwebes, Hunyo 28, 2018


Editor's Note:  "PRIDE"

Hey Guys! This month is the much celebrated PRIDE MONTH..

PRIDE is defined as..

" a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired."

but why do we celebrate it, if it is a part of the seven deadly sins? 

Well to answer that -- i really have no clue. 😁

bur one thing is for sure -- when we say pride in the LGBTQ community, it only means that we take pride in who we are and what we are capable of.. 
It is being proud of oneself.. 
Because (like what i keep on saying) we are all infact children of GOD.. 
and we are all made in his likeness.. 

and nothing can ever change that.

well this month we will join the celebration as we unveil our latest coverboy HAROLD UTTAM -- as he takes PRIDE on HEALTH & FITNESS..
and how taking care of our bodies is the best way to love yourself..

can't wait to show you the rest of the shots but for now..

Feast on our cover! 🔥

To God Be The Glory 

Louie Faundo

Lunes, Hunyo 11, 2018

Stalk Coverboy: Josh Perez

Hi Stalkies,

It's been 2years since our last update on the blog! It's crazy how 2yrs just passed -- and now so much stuff is goin on in my life as a photographer and all.. but ofcourse STALK will always be apart of my roots. There are just so many friends that became models and models who became friends that we're featured. 

I just have so much plans on STALK -- and it being a flatform of style talks that just digs down to the soul of our models. My attempt to go on a new site last 2016 was unsuccessful.. but dont fret! Because we will be back! Ready to feature more people who are just interesting and beautiful in their own right. I feel like im going to vlog soon 😂 

But anyways here's our latest offering -- haha! We have one of the Mr. BPO's finalists "Josh Perez" on our cover for our 5th Volume! ❤

STALK eic 
Louie Faundo