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Lunes, Setyembre 3, 2018

Editor's Note: Volume V Issue III

Editor's Note:

"PERFECTION is a DISEASE of a NATION - and social media makes it worst."

Have you ever ENVIED people on instagram ✔who are on a vacation everyday?
✔who have perfect faces and curves?
✔who can splurge and shop things that you can't afford?

well i did.

A few months ago - i found myself on a dark rut.
Here's a checklist:
✔failed relationship (uhm yeah 😂)
✔lost photography projects (dream ⤵️)
✔bad finances 📈
✔unhealthy lifestyle 🐷
✔family problems (who doesn't? But urgh 😅)

Felt like GOD was giving me an exam - he was silent. My INSECURITIES started to swim above sea level - they ate me like a buffet. Sadly i dont have anyone to turn to - and the only way to get out of it.. is to FACE IT.

So after days of overthinking and reflecting -- i finally said ENOUGH - all i needed now is my INNER BEST SELF to parent me.

"No One Else Is YOU.. And That Is Your Power."

So here's a list of what i did to get out of tjat dark rut...

step 1 -if you get lonely.. WORKOUT! so the more lonely you are - the fitter you are 😳😂👍

step 2 -i became a minimalist (on my own terms haha 😅)
✔i got rid of everything that no longer made me happy. Cleaned my closet and  gave away clothes and items that clutter my house (even the good ones that didnt make me happy).
✔I started eating simple/healthy food.

step 3 -i had to recharge daily
✔church - for my soul every sunday /pray daily
✔youtube for my art /lifestyle
✔find a mentor - i have Oprah, Bo Sanchez, Steve Jobs, Matt D'Avela, Mel Robbins and a lot more

step 4 -fix my finances
✔step 3 helped a lot - i no longer buy crap
✔i gave up on weekly movies too (but friends keep paying for my movies 😊🙏)
✔nearly 3years without smoking helped a lot
✔i said no to travel that i cannot afford - had to fund my dreams first.

step 5 -social media diet.
✔this is the hardest. I even thought i was depressed because i felt like no one remembers me.
✔we have gotten used to checking our feeds every 5minutes and if there's none we will post something.. or comment on something.. or watch something.. or message someone.. because we like the feeling of being present in a world that is inside the world wide web.
✔but im telling you that it will become better as weeks passes

last step..🚶‍♂️

step 6 -do everthing again and again and again. Be consistent - and keep grinding.
✔what kept me going was the fact that im 31 and i wont be this young forever.
✔my decisions now will drastically improve the next 2 years of my life
✔keep the faith. Everything will be ok soon.
✔lastly - my family deserves better. I have dreams for them that I think I can give.

and looking back to that day - where everything was a failure.. things got better now. I started to see things in a better perspective. Im still insecure every now and then but i know that i am in a better place. Had photography projects that came in and had great results. No more utang! 😊 and i can finally share and give back all the blessings that GOD is giving me.

So if you are reading this and you feel like you are in a dark rut... YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Find your "WHY" and get rid of all those excuses. The thing about excuses is that they are all valid -- but it will never ever help.

Life is never perfect and that is why it is beautiful.. and lastly because you are a child of GOD - he will never forsake you.

Keep Grinding! 👊

EIC of Stalk
Louie Faundo

photographed by Louie Faundo
hair & make up by Kelly Cabucos
models Christian Guioguio | Melchor Vargas

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