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Huwebes, Marso 6, 2014

A Stalker’s Blog: "How Charity Work Made Me Humble"

“To whom MUCH is GIVEN, MUCH is expected to be given in RETURN.”

I heard this quote from a very famous local morning talk show that I won’t name (KrisTV.. haha).  I felt the same sentiment last week during our visit on a home for the aged here in Cavite. It was my friends’ birthday celebration that day and she felt like she wanted to do another charity work this year to “GIVE BACK” and I felt more than happy to join her. So that Sunday after church we’ve decided to go there right away so that we could start feeding the elders and to show some TLC (Tender Loving Care). On our way I felt some discomfort since I know how I would become emotional when I see old grandmothers with such helpless situation. I could imagine the unbearable situation with my own grandma and it just makes me feel bad. This is when I realize that it is really better to give than to receive. Then after a while we have finally reached our destination. 

Then we finally saw the elders ready for a Sunday mass. As the mass was happening I was observing the whole vicinity. It was not that big and neither was small. It was just right for less than fifty elders residing there. I just noticed how the place was clean however you’d see that it already needs some painting work to make the place look more lively.

Then after the very enlightening mass we started serving lunch for the elders and the staff of that said place. Then all of a sudden I remembered last year’s charity work that we've done as our Christmas party.. I've reacted differently towards my friend (the same one who's celebrating this birthday charity..) she was feeding the kids like they don’t know how to eat. I don't know why but I did feel that it was just silly.. not until I saw how that kid looked at her. That kid felt LOVED not just from the food that she gave but on the act of “FEEDING”. That's when I realized why It is called a "FEEDING PROGRAM"-- you don't feed them just by giving them good food.. you really have to FEED them and show them LOVE. Too bad I can't do that this time since they have staff who know the whole "how to"-- So I hope that by smiling and by greeting them while giving them their food and drinks.. I was able to show them that they are LOVED.

That’s why I am just thankful that GOD gave me a set of friends who CARES about the welfare of other people. I guess that’s the main reason why GOD blesses us so much.. It’s because he knows that at the end of the day these people whom he blesses will bless others in RETURN. 

                     Anyways It was an epic fail for our group since we forgot to plan way ahead for any fun program or activity for them but I knew that God plans things way ahead of us.. and he knew that we we’re not there to bless them but we we’re there because they will bless us instead.. and It is true they all prepared something for us. We we’re just amused and amazed on how energetic they are whenever people would visit them.

This is when the grandma's started strutting their stuff on the dance floor.
                They started singing their hearts out and dancing like there’s no tomorrow.. and the happiness that it brought us was just priceless. 

The birthday girl started dancing with the elders
Even my lil sister can't help groovin on the dance floor.
The kids of some of the staff of "Tahanan ni Maria" with their dance number.
The highlight of the whole event. 
Our very Jolly cover boy cant help but smile with glee.

             Charities are great ways to help and feel God's amazing blessings for us. Through this I felt that there's so much more to accomplish in LIFE because there's so much more people that needs our help. So my challenge for you guys is to help create change in your own little ways by doing charity work every now and then. You don't need to be rich to help others.. all you need is a rich heart and I'm sure God will bless you even more than you could possibly think.

We just want to say thank you Dada for this very memorable event. Happy Happy birthday! 

Have fun reading STALKERS!

photograped by Louie Ray Faundo

All photographs are restricted for blog purposes only and is restricted for all other uses.

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