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Linggo, Agosto 31, 2014


We often get SCARED of CHANGES..
because we’re used to being around our COMFORT ZONES..
when we we’re BORN, our mother’s WOMB was our first ever COMFORT ZONE..
(learned this from BO Sanchez..)
imagine your FOOD already chewed for you..
the PERFECT TEMPERATURE inside your mom’s tummy..
It’s like PARADISE..
but the moment that the BABY gets EVICTED inside the mother’s WOMB..
CHANGE happens..
you would suddenly FEEL the COLD temperature in the operating room..
BRIGHT LIGHTS that seems too harsh for your SMALL EYES..
then that TAP on your DELICATE BUTT by that NURSE..
It is just TERRIBLE..
that’s when we START CRYING..
but as HOURS..
and WEEKS pass by..
we get USED to that CHANGE..
and that’s when we START GROWING..
that’s my POINT..

“In order for you to GROW you have to get out of that WOMB and EXPERIENCE CHANGE”

Let me tell you a story of our HAIR STYLIST named JOVY..
Jovy has been a hairstylist of a famous salon (in the south..) for 18 years..
most of that salon’s clients are coming back because of his amazing SERVICE..
he can do crazy TRANSPORMATIONS with your hair..
and this is why the clients love him..
but one day he had a terrible argument with his boss due to some misunderstandings..
which led a TERRIBLE week of BAD VIBES..
and as he reached his PATIENCE limit..
he decided to QUIT..
his wife got FURIOUS because of the fact that they have KIDS to FEED..
and this SCARED them both so much..
but instead of WORRYING..
JOVY decided to START on his OWN..
he opened up a small SALON near their place..
which ATE up all their SAVINGS..
the first couple of weeks are the SCARIEST part of this drastic CHANGE..
but a month and a half later he got surprised that most of his LOYAL customers started calling him for his SERVICE..
and the WORD of MOUTH of how good he is with what he does spread slowly around..
and SLOWLY his business STARTED GROWING..
Now JOVY is finally HAPPY because he’s no longer SCARED..
He’s much STRONGER now..
all because he got out of his COMFORT ZONE..

Sometimes GOD gives us crazy TRIALS..
not because of PUNISHMENT..
but because he wants us to LEARN..
and to GROW..
just remember that TRIALS would always AIM to STRENGTHEN us..
makes us CLOSER to our FAMILIES and FRIENDS..
and most importantly it makes us CLOSER to GOD..

Enjoy your AMAZING MONDAY Stalkers!

STALK Editor-In-Chief

Louie Ray Faundo

Lunes, Agosto 25, 2014

What I WORE: Pastels & Fire Trees

I have not gone to JAPAN..
or have seen any real CHERRY BLOSSOMS..
that is the reason why these FIRE TREES are such a fascination to me..
So I told myself I’d have to get a “WHAT I WORE” shoot somewhere with a FIRE TREE on the background.. haha
and yes we've found a couple of trees near the parking lot somewhere in the metro..

So let’s talk about this LOOK for today..
I’m not fond of too much COLORS..
you’d notice that I’m usually inclined with more NAVY BLUE’s..
and DENIM..
just because these colors are easier to manage..
they don’t attract too much dirt..


It is crazy to maintain these types of colors..
So I got inspired by KEN.. haha
Yeah KEN of BARBIE that day..

So I chose to wear this PINK COAT (Penshoppe) over a WHITE SHIRT..
Paired with this BLUE SWIM SHORTS (Cotton On) and BLUE GREEN ESPADRILLES (H&M)..
and some ACCESSORIES such as this BROWN LEATHER NECKLACE (Bangkok) and BROWN LEATHER BAG (Marikina)..
I still tried to manage the whole look by keeping the main colors between BLUE, PINK and NEUTRALS such as white and brown to make it more united..
that’s the exact principle that I apply over STALK’s magazine covers..
each color should complement the whole package..

Anyway that’s it for today’s LOOK..
the KEY to looking GOOD is knowing what will look good in you..
so you have to TRY and TRY until you find your own STYLE..

BTW I made a new banner for our Facebook page..


STALK Editor-In Chief

Louie Ray Faundo

Miyerkules, Agosto 20, 2014


I recently saw the video of Beyonce’s visual album entitled “PRETTY HURTS”..
and it is true that every music video is an EXPERIENCE..
and it took me back to the CORE REASON on why I’ve created STALK..
It is because I want my PHOTOGRAPHY to SPEAK to the my AUDIENCE..
I want the readers to realize that everyone has that unique BEAUTY that should be exposed..
so that I could NEUTRALIZE what is being shown by our MEDIA of how BEAUTY is defined..
that you should be WHITE skinned to be BEAUTIFUL..
that you should have LIPS like Angelina Jolie..
that you should have a BODY like Channing Tatum..
just to be called BEAUTIFUL.

I remember back in high school when I was as huge as a cow and I felt UGLY..

I started looking at magazines and I felt more UGLY..
I started noticing my NOSE..
my EARS..
my LIPS..
and my huge FACE..
and this is when DEPRESSION starts to kick in..
and this is when PARENTS should start to come in..
and help their kids realize that they are BEAUTIFUL..
so that they would not let the WORLD dictate who is BEAUTIFUL and WHO’s NOT..
but what if the PARENTS are too BUSY to notice?
and what if the FRIEND of your child is either BULIMIC or ANOREXIC?
that’s when the PROBLEM starts..
and I’ve also faced this issue back in college..
(yeah I was a victim of this too..)
there was a time that I felt really really FAT even if in REALITY I’m already beyond THIN..
I was aiming for PERFECTION..
and the crazy thing is that NO ONE is PHYSICALLY PERFECT..
even Kim Kardashian is INSECURE..
that is why I believe that..
“BEAUTY is in the EYE of the BEHOLDER”

here are some of the back issues of STALK which tried to change how BEAUTY is defined..

Plus Size is SEXY
Pregnant Women are HOT

Last week my boss asked me this..
The exact question in the BEYONCE video..

“What is your aspiration in LIFE?”

This question was in my head the whole time after watching the video..

 as a PHOTOGRAPHER /Editor In Chief of STALK I would want to CHANGE the way that we SEE things..

I want to showcase DIVERSITY in BEAUTY..

I’d like to collaborate with people who are could INSPIRE my READERS to be BETTER..

not to CHANGE themselves but to help bring out the BEST in them..

I’d like to show people how FASHION could help bring out the BEST in us..

I ASPIRE to help PROMOTE our LOCAL films..

I’d like to show everyone how BEAUTIFUL LIFE is..

and how much BEAUTIFUL  it could be when GOD is in our LIVES..

I’d like to FIGHT for GAY RIGHTS just because we are GOD’s wonderful CREATION..

and all of these I’d like to do in GOD’s TIME..

now my question and challenge to everyone is..  

“What is your aspiration in LIFE?”

we are all created in the LIKENESS of GOD..

we  are built for GREATNESS..

don’t WASTE it..

GO out there and show the WORLD who you TRULY are..

and I’m sure our FATHER will pave the way for you.

may GOD BLESS us all.

STALK Editor-In-Chief
Louie Ray Faundo

Biyernes, Agosto 15, 2014


I met this young girl in a famous bookstore last year in the south..
It took me a while to actually talk to her and get her to pose for an actual stranger..
I just don't want to look like a complete stalker (which ironically the title of my mag) haha..
it's just that not everyone can pull off this METALLIC SKIRT.. 
so It gave me that extra urge to go and use my convincing powers on her (plus i need it for a project that I was working on back then for a fashion magazine)  
and I can't seem to remember the rest.. haha
sorry.. anyway I promised that I will post this on my blog..  

So here it is.. :)

Have fun dressing up STALKERS!

STALK Editor-In-Chief
Louie Ray Faundo

Miyerkules, Agosto 6, 2014


“NOT just any BODY”

Gone are the days where our bodies are all NATURAL..
Nowadays SCIENCE plays a big part on how are BODIES look like..
WHITENING products..
WEIGHT LOSS products..
DERM clinics..
We can’t tell what’s NATURAL from the ENHANCED..
So for our fourth issue we’ve decided to show that NATURAL is BEAUTIFUL..
And what BETTER way to do that is to have our first ever BODY issue..
This month’s cover boy will INSPIRE us to be HEALTHY and LIVE life to the fullest by being DISCIPLINED in EATING CLEAN and burning FAT the right way.. 
So let’s strip him down and get to know more of his story..
He tells STALK his road to WEIGHT LOSS during our ROADTRIP down SOUTH..
TOFFEE’s real name is Christopher Tenedero..
He was born and raised Tarlac..
This guy has been doing freelance modeling in RIYADH on his spare time..
He confesses that his BROKEN HEART led him into LOSINGWEIGHT..
It’s all about REVENGE at first..
The basic HUMAN REACTION to pain is to GET EVEN..
As they say REVENGE is best served COLD..
He says
“I will be hot like other guys and I will ignore you when I get this hot body”
Sounds familiar right?
Well he started feeling SLUGGISH and felt TIRED when he moves around..
and he felt more FRUSTRATED as he saw himself in photographs..
he knew that the guy in the photo was not the guy that he wanted to be..
so he started to RUN every night right after work..
Then as soon as he started losing his gut he felt the need to TONE his body..
So he enrolled in a GYM and started gaining MORE RESULTS..

The thing that I admire about this guys is his dedication in CLEAN EATING..
So let’s talk about DIET..
What people really see when they see the word diet..
but what we guys don’t realize is that losing weight is all about CALORIE COUNT + CALORIES BURNT..
it’s crazy that TOFFEE and I had the same story in WEIGHT LOSS and we were born on the same month and date (except that he’s older! Haha..)
well this guy SLOWED DOWN on the HEAVY stuff..
like RICE.. (and I see the PANIC in the eyes of my readers)
well you may opt to cook BROWN or RED rice which is full of FIBER and is easily digested by our tummy..
but yes, you have to stop eating too much carbs and replace them with PROTEIN..
like FISH..
LEAN CHICKEN meat.. etc.
and don’t forget the DAILY DOSE of FRUITS and VITAMINS.. 
then the LIQUID intake..
He drinks a lot of LEMON WATER..
And when he feels HUNGRY in between meals?
He brings out a stash of DRIED FRUITS..
That way he wouldn’t be too hungry when the next meal time comes..
Yes.. SNACKING helps.

The bottom line of this issue is that our BODY reflects our DISCIPLINE..
And that we need to STAY HEALTHY in order to LIVE a GOOD LIFE..
Just remember that HEALTHY is the new RICH..
So I hope that this has inspired you guys to go back or to START running..
May It be for REVENGE from a HEARTBREAK or just to fit inside those pants..

Enjoy the GREAT LIFE Stalkers!

STALK Editor-In-Chief

Louie Ray Faundo

Martes, Agosto 5, 2014


Here’s one of the nicest guys I've met during my adventures last year in the hunt for STYLISH folks in the metro for a magazine last year..
Meet Luis Asistio III..
Wearing this classic blazer paired with chinos and blue long sleeved shirt and brown brogues..
You can never go wrong with NEUTRALS and BLUE..
Just get the RIGHT FIT and I’m sure you guys would look great in this palette..
Perfect for  OFFICE MEETING  or a casual DATE look.

Enjoy dressing up STALKERS!

 STALK Editor-In-Chief

Louie Ray Faundo

Linggo, Agosto 3, 2014


Here’s a shot that I’d like to share with you guys way back when I took photos for a magazine during their party last year..  

This guy is one of the top male bloggers in the country who has influenced my style so much..


Enjoy browsing STALKERS!

STALK Editor-In-Chief

Louie Ray Faundo

Sabado, Agosto 2, 2014


“Our BODY is a work of ART”

Scott Hoover. Mario Testino. Mark Nicdao. Manny Fontanilla. Lope Navo
These PHOTOGRAPHERS are simply the BEST..
Specially when they capture the BODY and SOUL of their MUSES..
It’s like an INTRICATE VISUAL of GOD’s amazing WORK.
these magazines have published hundreds of artworks that inspires me as a blogger and as a photographer..
So for our fourth issue this 2014 we are launching our very own BODY ISSUE.
Which in fact concerned me..
Well you guys know that STALK features anyone who’s up and coming..
So all our models are mostly discoveries from friends..
And social media..
I felt like I need a model that can do some body work..
Someone who has that full FILIPINO flavor but can work it like an INTERNATIONAL MODEL..
And that’s when I received a message from a guy named TOFFEE in INSTAGRAM..
(remember when I posted “DO YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF STALK?”) ahhhhh.. haha
And the rest was HISTORY when he went home all the way from RIYADH..
I’ll tell you more about this guy on my next post but for now here’s our cover
Our first BODY ISSUE.

Special thanks to Jaspher Samonte and Jolly Bilangdal for helping us out during the shoot.

STALK Editor-In-Chief
Louie Ray Faundo